Minnesota Outside
Enviromental issues,fishing, hunting and camping news for Minnesota and the Upper MidWest.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Obuma's Trillion's-Got Your's?

$198 million School Lunch Room EQUIPMENT Uhhhh ?
$9 billion For 'Broadband Technology Opportunities Program'
$650 million Digital Converter Box Program, for coupons and converter box installation. Don't get me started on this one--thats a BILLION dollars. Who says we have the "right" to watch digital TV?
$1.256 billion National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
$300 million Violence Against Women Prevention and Prosecution Programs',
$200 million Dollars for the costs of developing and implementing a nationwide Integrated Wireless network supporting Federal law enforcement
$25 million Dollars shall be available for tribal alcohol and substance abuse drug reduction assistance grants. How is this job creation??
$390 million Dollars for the Uranium Enrichment Decontamination and Decommissioning Fund
$125 million Dollars for the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority How is this job creation?? Now we have to clean up DC?
$600 million Dollars for acquiring motor vehicles with higher fuel economy
$1.2 billion to the TSA for procurement and installation of checked baggage explosives detection systems and checkpoint explosives detection equipment
$200 million Dollars to the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund Program. We already pay a fuel tax for that.
$650 million to the Forest Service for hazardous fuels reduction and hazard mitigation activities in areas at high risk of catastrophic wildfire
$545 million Dollars for Indian Health Services How is this job creation??
$158 million for the operation of the National Park System
$40 million Dollars to the Bureau of Indian Affairs for Operation of Indian Programs
$1.2 billion Dollars for grants to the States for youth activities, including summer employment for youth
$2 billion Dollars for Payments to States for the Child Care and Development Block Grants
$1.368 billion Dollars for grants or loans for energy retrofit and green investments in assisted housing
$100 million Dollars for the Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Program
$79 billion Dollars for the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund
$200 million Dollars for direct loans and grants for distance learning and telemedicine services in rural areas
$4.5 billion for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
$850 million for Amtrak Amtrak has been losing $$ for decades... why throw more $$ at it??
$87 million for a polar icebreaking ship
$1.7 billion for the National Park System How many Park benifits ?
$55 million for Historic Preservation Fund
$7.6 billion for "rural community advancement programs" Uh... is this like building roads? Tourist attractions so more people go there?? More rodeos? 4F shows?
$150 million for agricultural-commodity purchases I don't understand this one at all
$150 million for "producers of livestock, honeybees, and farm-raised fish" why???
$50 million for habitat restoration and other water needs in the San Francisco Bay Area Who does someone owe in SF??
$198 million to compensate Filipino World War II veterans What does this have to do with job creation???? And what did they do again ?
$2 billion for renewable-energy research ($400 million for global-warming research) but we don't have global warming...just walk outside and feel how cold it is...
$2 billion for a "clean coal" power plant in Illinois - Illinois? what a surprise " hmm"
$6.2 billion for the Weatherization Assistance Program
$3.5 billion for energy-efficiency and conservation block grants
$3.4 billion for the State Energy Program
$200 million for state and local electric-transport projects
$300 million for energy-efficient-appliance rebate programs Huh?
$400 million for hybrid cars for state and local governments Let them drive their own cars... ok, if you're police maybe, but wouldn't a police car want to be 8 cylinders full of power? Are any hybrid cars that beefy??
$1 billion for the manufacturing of advanced batteries " Please "
$1.5 billion for green-technology loan guarantees
$8 billion for innovative-technology loan-guarantee program
$2.4 billion for carbon-capture demonstration projects Huh??
$4.5 billion for electricity grid
$79 billion for State Fiscal Stabilization Fund The states failed.... bailing them out will just encourage them to keep failing...
$89 billion for Medicaid Why? isn't this welfare ? "
$30 billion for COBRA insurance extension Why? If you really did save or create all those jobs, we wouldn't need Cobra? And why should we pay 65% of these premiums??
$36 billion for expanded unemployment benefits same as above
$20 billion for food stamps To whom? The unemployed? So now we're giving them health insurance, more expanded unemployment benefits, and food stamps? What is the incentive to go back to work??
$150 million for the Smithsonian Why? As a thank you for letting the DNC put all those port-a-potties on their lawn and letting people use their toilet facilities during the inauguration?
$34 million to renovate the Department of Commerce headquarters So I guess you could argue that the "renovations, improvements, repairs, moves, new stuff" will create jobs?
$500 million for improvement projects for National Institutes of Health facilities see above
$44 million for repairs to Department of Agriculture headquarters see above
$350 million for Agriculture Department computers see above
$88 million to help move the Public Health Service into a new building see above
$448 million for constructing a new Homeland Security Department headquarters see above
$450 million for NASA (carve-out for "climate-research missions") Let's put a space ship up there to watch the weather change?
$600 million for NOAA (carve-out for "climate modeling") whatever
$1 billion for the Census Bureau why?
$145 billion for "Making Work Pay" tax credits
$83 billion for the earned income credit
$50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
$380 million in the Senate bill for the Women, Infants and Children program
$300 million for grants to combat violence against women How is this job creation?? Self-defense class instructors? Mace manufacturers?
$2 billion for federal child-care block grants Oh... someone has to take care of all those children ...you know, the kids of all those new federal government workers...
$6 billion for university building projects More construction jobs?
$15 billion for boosting Pell Grant college scholarships " don't know the guy "
$4 billion for job-training programs, including $1.2 billion for "youths" up to the age of 24 Now we have a new definition of youth?
$1 billion for community-development block grants
$4.2 billion for "neighborhood stabilization activities" Huh ? ACORN?
$200 million for direct loans and grants for distance learning
$954 million shall be used as an additional amount to carry out the immunization program
$545 million shall be used as an additional amount to carry out chronic disease, health promotion, and genomics programs
$60 million shall be used as an additional amount to carry out environmental health programs
$50 million shall be used as an additional amount to carry out injury prevention and control programs
$40 million shall be used as an additional amount for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health to carry out research activities within the National Occupational Research Agenda
$40 million shall be used as an additional amount for the National Center for Health Statistics
$900 Million To HAMAS-FUNDS FOR THE TERROISTS!! I wonder if Bin Laden has signed up for his stimulus!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Albert Lea Lake Walleyes
Albert Lea Lake is starting to heat up for walleyes. The channel seems to be the most popular spot, but I have talked to people who have houses on New York Point near the State Park and they are doing great also. My son took advantage of his Christmas Vacation and set the Clam up in the channel yesterday for a couple of hours and caught 2 18" walleyes and one big perch. When I picked him up just after dark it was apparent the word had got out because he had been joined by about 20 other portable shelters. I saw a couple of camera flashes go off, so someone was catching trophies. Late this fall the commercial fisherman who have been netting rough fish from Albert Lea Lake for years said this was the first time they got more walleyes in there nets than carp. The owner, who has been doing netting for years claims they had a walleye in the net that would have broken the Minnesota State Record. The DNR Fisheries people say the walleyes are gorging themselves on carp minnows. The ones my son got were nice and fat.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Federal Firearms License
Click Here For Information On Getting Your FFL!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
$9,547 a Day on Autopilot ”Click Here!
This is a list of lakes in Minnesota with aeration system. Good to know before heading out on that first ice fishing trip.
When there are lakes in the county with the same name as the aerated lake, the nearest town is shown in brackets. Names in parentheses are alternate lake names. Those names followed by an asterisk are newly aerated lakes.
BECKER: Big Cormorant, Bijou, Ellison, Eunice, Fifteen, Island, Little Cormorant, Melissa, Sallie, Wolf.
BELTRAMI: Ewert’s Pond.
CASS: Leech.
CLAY: Blue Eagle, Lake Fifteen, Mayfield.
DOUGLAS: Aldrich.
HUBBARD: Kenny, Petite, Wolf.
MARSHALL: Unnamed [Florian Reservoir].
OTTER TAIL: Adley, Big McDonald, Fish (Parkers Prairie), Fish (Pelican Rapids), Lida, Little McDonald, Lizzie, Marion, Pelican, Perch, Pete, Samson, Tamarac, West McDonald*.
POLK: Badger, Cable, Maple.
POPE: Johanna, Signalness.
STEVENS: Hattie, North and South Baker.
WADENA: Stocking.
AITKIN: Cedar (McGrath).
CASS: Loon, Eagle, Meadow.
CROW WING: Nisswa.
LAKE: Superior (Marinas).
ST. LOUIS: Colby.
ANOKA: Centerville, Coon, Crooked, Golden, Ham, Martin, Moore (East), Peltier, Shack Eddy, Spring.
CARVER: Eagle, Oak, Susan.
CROW WING: Platte.
DAKOTA: Alimagnet, Birch Pond, Blackhawk, Bur Oaks, Carlson, Cliff*, East Thomas, Farquar, Fish, Gun Club, Hay, Heine, LeMay, Manor, Marion, Pickeral, Rebecca [Hastings], Roger’s*,
Schwanz, Thomas, Thompson.
GOODHUE: Pottery Pond [Red Wing].
HENNEPIN: Arrowhead, Bass, Crystal, Gleason, Hadley, Hyland, Indianhead, Mitchell, Penn (Lower Penn), Powderhorn, Rebecca [Maple Plain], Red Rock, Rice, Round, Snelling, Sweeney-
Twin, Wirth, Wolfe.
MORRISON: Alexander, Shamineau.
PINE: Lena.
RAMSEY: Beaver, Bennett, Birch, Como, Island, Loeb, Otter, Owasso, Pleasant, Silver (East Silver), Silver (Columbia Heights), Shoreview Community Center Pond, Vadnais, Willow.
SCOTT: Cedar, Cleary, Crystal*, Lakefront Park Pond, Legends, Krenz (Sunset), McColl, McMahon (Carls), Murphy, O’Dowd, Thole.
SHERBURNE: Ann [Becker], Fremont, Jones, Unnamed [Fawn].
STEARNS: Becker, Black Oak, Dullinger, Marie (Maria) [Kimball].
WASHINGTON: Battle Creek (Mud) [Woodbury], Benz, Cloverdale, Goose, MacDonald, Pine Tree, St. Croix River*, Sand, Shields, Sunset.
WINONA: Winona.
WRIGHT: Augusta, Crawford, Dean, Little Waverly, Louisa, Mink, Somers.
BIG STONE: Artichoke, East Toqua, Long Tom.
BLUE EARTH: Crystal, Ida, Loon [Lake Crystal], Lura, Mills.
BROWN: Clear, Hanska, Sleepy Eye.
COTTONWOOD: Bean, Bingham, Cottonwood, Double [North and South basins], Mountain [Mountain Lake].
FREEBORN: Albert Lea, Fountain, Morin.
JACKSON: Clear [Jackson], Independence, Little Spirit, Loon [Jackson], Pearl, Round.
KANDIYOHI: East Solomon, Elizabeth, Foot, Long, Mud (Monongalia) [New London], Nest*, Ringo [Spicer], Swenson [Pennock], Unnamed [Todd], Unnamed [Upper], Wakanda, Willmar.
LESUEUR: Clear [Lexington], Gorman, Greenleaf, Mabel [Kilkenny], Scotch, Silver [Elysian].
LINCOLN: Benton, Dead Coon, Shaokatan, Stay (East Stay).
LYON: Clear, Cottonwood, East Goose, East Twin, Lady Slipper, Rock, School Grove, West Twin, Yankton.
MARTIN: Big Twin, Budd, Buffalo, Cedar, Fish [Trimont], George, Sisseton.
MCLEOD: Marion, Swan [Silver Lake], Winsted.
MEEKER: Star, Thompson.
MURRAY: Bloody, Buffalo [Currie], Corabelle, Currant, First (South) Fulda, Lime, Louisa, Sarah,
Shetek, Wilson (North & South Basins).
NOBLES: East Graham, Indian, Kinbrae, Okabena, Ocheda, West Graham.
PIPESTONE: Split Rock.
RICE: Circle, Cody.
SIBLEY: Silver [Henderson].
STEELE: Kohlmeier.
WASECA: Elysian, Loon [Waseca].
WATONWAN: Fedji, Kansas, St. James.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Deer Hunting

Reports from around the state say the deer kill is down about 50% over last year. The DNR blames the weather (snow,sleet, freezing rain where we hunted) and standing corn in the farm country. We did OK, about the same as last year. I shot a buck and two does. We had an interesting ride down our logging road trail out of the bluff country one night as it had been raining and freezing all afternoon so we more slid downhill then drive. Here's a picture of the buck I let go for another year so he can grow up.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Obama Campaign Threaten Legal Action Over NRA Ad

Obama Campaign Threaten Legal Action Over NRA Ad
9/25/2008 -
Fairfax, VA-Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign has sent threatening letters to news agencies in Pennsylvania and Ohio to stop airing ads exposing his anti-gun record sponsored by the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF).
The kicker? NRA-PVF's Ohio’s ads have not yet begun running.
“Barack Obama and his campaign are terrified of the truth,” declared Chris W. Cox, Chairman of NRA-PVF. “Sen. Obama's statements and support for restricting access to firearms, raising taxes on guns and ammunition and voting against the use of firearms for self-defense in the home are a matter of public record. NRA-PVF will make sure that everyone knows of Obama's abysmal record on guns and hunting.”
The Obama campaign sent cease and desist letters to news outlets in Pennsylvania and Ohio, denouncing the ads and demanding their removal from the airwaves. All stations where NRA-PVF has purchased or plans to purchase ads have been provided with documented evidence of Sen. Obama's anti-gun record.